Sunday, January 26, 2014

The past few weeks as I’ve been (unsuccessfully) attempting to train for the upcoming Princess Reunion weekend, I’ve been mostly thinking to myself, “Whose idea was this?!?” (bt-dub: It was mine.)

We’re all experiencing epic coldness & without access to a gym (meaning I don’t belong to one) my training, general working out and general eating healthy has been more than lacking.  Every Sunday I map out my food & exercise for the coming week with great intentions and then comes cold Monday morning and the week goes to shiz.

Well yesterday finally enough was ENOUGH.  I had an extremely crazy and stressful week at work, followed by something “to do” every single night and my need for hitting the pavement for a hard core run was just boiling up inside me.  One VERY PROMISING 5 mile run later and I felt like a new gal!

I’m thankful and lucky to be a runner.  Even when I’ve taken an un-planned hiatus.  Look for me the next 3 weeks to get ready for this exciting 15k & the invasion of my favorite princesses in my city!