Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hot in Cleveland (Well, Nashville)

Good man alive, it’s HOT in Tennessee. 3 mile run last night produced this lovely creature:


I also have a confession I have been really bad lately on drinking water during the day. Which is weird because that’s never been a problem for me and double weird because it’s a thousand degrees.  I can tell I’m not hydrated so I’ll be working on that today.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Plan A.

Soooo we all know why we’re here, right? The Richmond Marathon.  A little over a year ago Hil & I became crazy girls and decided on a plan to reach some goals for our 30th year on Earth. We rocked the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February with the best running friends, added in a new goal to get the Coast to Coast medal by running the Disneyland Half Marathon coming up on Sept. 1 and then finish out the year running our first marathon in the city we both grew up in.  But as we all know life can get in the way. 

Weddings, not having an abundance of vacation days, living 10 hours away & not having an abundance of travel funds…all of these things are currently constantly swirling around in my brain as I try and figure out how I can get myself to 8th & Broad Street at 8am on November 9.  Oh & to get myself there fully trained for a marathon – yeah, that too!

There is a Plan B – but I’d like to keep Plan B to myself for right now until I’ve done everything in my power to make Plan A happen.  I hope I can have a firm plan in action by June 1 (one week away, Ahh!)

In other news, I ran a solid 5-miler this morning in 49 minutes.  Worrrrrrrrd.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday Funday

I start the Marathon Training Team (herein known as MTT) on June 1st. I've been keeping my running low until then because I know how much running I'll be doing come that date until November.

I'm still lifting 3 days a week with Evan over at Sweat. Love it!

However, my sister's wedding is this upcoming weekend. And I had some stress that I needed to expel yesterday. I'm a highly results driven person but sometimes, I want to forget that part of me and just do something. Because there are so much possible goals - mileage and time being the two main ones - running can often feel more like an obligation.

So Sunday I decided to set off on a run - with no GPS, no voice talking in my ear about my speed and progress. Just a great Rock My Run tune and a water bottle. And I LOVED it. I think I ran about 3 miles. I could have run longer but I needed to head to the airport to pick up a friend.

There's something freeing about going out without an expectation. An opportunity to just be for a little bit. And I hope to make this a tradition - if not for all my runs than certainly for my Sunday Funday.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


When you take 2 months off of running you forget what it’s like to have a “bad” day.  I was completely hydrated & fueled after a full day at work and went out for a run…basically I hurt from start to finish.  It was a slow, long, heavy run.  Glad I got it in, but mehhhhhh

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Well done, Tuesday.

Yesterday was a good day. A ridiculously good day.  Here’s why:

1.     I couldn’t get out of bed to run in the morning.  Ugh, I just couldn’t L I was feeling so ehhhhh & just wahhhhh.  I went through the day, things turned up (see 2 & 3) and I ended up leaving work a little early and getting in a great 3 mile run.  I felt so good and just reminded myself that running is so important to me & that I’m pretty good at it.
2.     After 8 long months, my dad got a job.  AHHHHHH!!!  Last August the company my dad had worked for for 19 years had to eliminate his position which left him unemployed for the first time in his life.  It’s been a trying time for him and hearing the joy in his voice when he called me was overwhelmingly wonderful.  I’m also so proud of him for training for & walking in his first 10k during his “time off.”  He’s also been putting in miles for Boston and I’m hoping I can convince him to walk a half marathon with me sometime soon….
3.     My boss, Lori, gave birth to her daughter sweet little Gracie Addison.  Huge blessing for her & her husband and I love babies so of course can’t wait to hold that little nugget.
4.     My book club is one of the things in Nashville that I can say is just…THE BEST.  Every month we all get closer and closer learning more about each other and talking about great books and drinking great wine and I feel blessed to have these women in my life.

Wednesday, you have A LOT to live up to!