7 Minutes can change your life

Here's the scary thing about putting N&H together - we're both super enthusiastic individuals especially about an idea we both deem as GREAT. I would argue this as a dangerous friendship and you'll quickly see why when you read The Idea.

We both have our own reasons for thinking this idea is not only fantastic but actually achievable and you'll see those reasons play out here, on our blog.

This idea started to blossom after I (Hilary) completed my first half November 2011 in Richmond and both us recognizing that we are going to turn 30 in 2013.

Because you can't beat the original conversation from April 9th, 2012:

Natalie:: so here's what i'm starting to think....i'll do the hard rock here in nov - the disney princess half in feb and then the full in richmond in nov 2013....
  i might be on crack i'm not sure
  but the thought of doing a marathon the year i turn 30 seems proper
12:30 PM Hilary: Ok listen - I was consider that EXACT same schedule. My knees didn't react well after the half so doing a full scares the shit out of me
  what a great challenge
  we do 26.2 to celebrate our 30th year and how awesome we are
12:31 PM Natalie:: exactly
  and then we never have to do it again
 Hilary: I could get on board with that
 Natalie:: and we can swap the disney pricness for this nike one if we wanted
12:32 PM Hilary: I don't know - the disney one is right around my 30th birthday - and I've heard it's amazing
 Natalie:: well i've always wanted to do it
  like ALWAYS
 Hilary: but we should also add maybe like a 10K in Nashville or something
  between the disney and the full
12:33 PM Natalie:: it's feb 22-24, 2013
  so keep the edge up but not burn out to start marathon training
 Hilary: I think we may have a plan forming here
12:34 PM Natalie:: i'm digging this
 Hilary: me too! i'm scared but I'm digging it
12:35 PM Natalie:: me too - tomorrow i may not want to do the marathon
 Hilary: but the goal is to FINISH the full not sprint it
 Natalie:: exactly
  and i did the 3 day
  and survived
  so it's not that it's not DOABLE
 Hilary: and I never thought i could do a half and I did
  we can totally do this
  and we should have a blog
 Natalie:: okay you may have just sold me with the blog
12:36 PM you know the way to my heart
 Hilary: <3

7 minutes can change your life....

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