Thursday, July 25, 2013

Losing steam

Ever have that feeling where you feel like you’re completely losing steam?  I’m there.  Yesterday I told multiple people (at least 3) that I hate running.  They all looked at me blankly (or in the case of my mom, became silent over the phone) and reminded me, “no you don’t” To which I said, “YES, I do.”  And then we went back & forth as such.

Obviously I don’t hate running and after some major shake-ups at work in the past 2 weeks, along with beautiful weather in Tennessee I knocked out a great 5 mile run last night.  It was just the little boost I needed!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The terrible and wonderful reasons why I run

A running bud of mine sent this to me and I laughed out loud, nodded my head and then posted it.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Race Report: Music City 4th of July 10k/5k

Thursday was one of my most favorite days of the year - the birth of America.  Land of the free!  For the 2nd year in a row I registered for the Music City 4th of July 10k / 5k race.  This year I felt more than ready to run the 10k (Quick history: Last year 1 mile into the 100+ degree race in the beating sun I looked at my Running Buddy and said, "Enjoy the race, I'm done @ the 5k marker"....quitter...)  

As we got closer & closer to Thursday and the weather report just kept getting worse, and worse and worse, I had all but decided to just go out for the 5k.  A quick, rainy 5k to get my day jump-started!

I woke up, slowly dragged myself out of bed and got dressed in my most rain-appropriate gear.  Texted back & forth with my friend who was picking me up for the race deciding what to do and ultimately (given the fact we were UP & DRESSED) decided to head to downtown Nashville to the start line.

This feels like it's going well, right? We're literally driving to the race.  Well....we then turned around & went home. Y'all, it was POURING.  Bucketsss.  People walking to the start line were wearing trash bag ponchos and SHIVERING in the cold.  Ultimately it was probably the right thing to do & I ended up getting my miles in on a dry treadmill.  Not the camaraderie I was looking for, but still a success.

Go America!

Dressed & Ready to go. Deciding what to do....