Honestly, I've never answered the question, "Are you a runner?" with the answer, "yes." I've always answered it with, "Well, I mean not really. I run sometimes. I enjoy it, but really I'm a dancer. I grew up dancing and....." and then I reach that awkward moment when I realize the person that just asked me, wasn't actually looking for a 10 minute reply.
But, now that I'm a Half Marathoner...I guess I'm a runner! I even FEEL like a runner!
The Hard Rock Half Marathon couldn't have gone better. I woke Saturday morning a big ball of nerves. Fortunately this race wasn't a huge race (5,000 runners total) so getting to the race, parking, getting to the start line...it was all an easy process. I used the LR, did a little warm-up run and was ready to go!
At the start line, my RB said to me: "I think I'm going for 2:10" and I replied "Hmmm...2:10 seems lofty, I think I'm going for 2:30." I just wasn't interested in pressuring myself, I was interesting in enjoying myself!
Let me break the course down for you:
Miles 1-2: Straight Uphill. It hurt, but we were also prepared and knew what to expect, so just kept my eyes down and didn't look up until I knew it was over.
Miles 3-6: Relatively flat, took us through The Gulch which is one of my most favorite places in Nashville. Had to take my long-sleeved tee off during this section and even though I thought I had prepared for this to be a seamless process, I made it complicated. RB & I couldn't look at each other for fear we'd both break concentration laughing.
Miles 6-9: Death. This was definitely the worst for me (which honestly surprised me.) RB & I separated around mile 8, but for whatever reason, this flat straight shot along the Cumberland River was just MISERABLE.
Mile 9 Water Stop: Was sponsored by Team in Training and I picked up a Twizzler & water. Took a couple bites, got the sugar I needed and threw the rest of it.
Miles 9-11: Amazing. I felt so awesome. I ended up behind a girl (I refer to her as "the one in the pink shorts with the pink bandanna"...as though anyone other than me knows who that is) and she looked like she was doing pretty well, so I said to myself "Natalie, just follow her." So I did. My pace picked up like crazy and I just kept her right in front of me and I kept going. Then she blew my doors off.
Mile 11-12: Straight Uphill across a bridge. @ the bottom/start of the bridge, a great song came on my iPod and I got myself across this bridge literally by counting. I counted how long it took me to get across and having that distraction for my mind helped me not focus on the steep hill I was climbing.
Mile 12-12 1/2: Even steeper hill. I walked. I finally saw everyone around me stopping and walking up this final STEEP hill and I said to myself, no need to be a hero. I walked for about 30 seconds and got to the top of the hill.
Mile 12-1/2 - 13.1: DOWNHILL!!!! As I was coming up to the finish line, I saw the time clock that said 2:11. I knew I had started a minute or so after the official start and I basically FLEW across the finish line. I knew I had done it in 2:10 and I seriously COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! What an amazing feeling!
I had so much support from friends & family and that made the whole race that much more fun - knowing that everyone else was just as excited as I was.
Now I'm so super pumped for Disney (not that I wasn't already!) and even more pumped that it's 100 days away!
Some pics from the day:
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Love that Nashville races ALWAYS offer a beer @ the end of the race! |
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Finish line w/ Titans Stadium & the Cumberland River in the background - Love it! |
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