Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sooo, I kinda can’t stop eating. Exibit A via Instagram last night – My dinner:

Straight out the carton.

Tuesday during my morning 10-miler with 2 of my training pals (one being one of my coaches) I was telling the tale of another problem I’m having, which is poor sleeping habits.  Not sleeping well seems weird to me because I’m so exhausted, but I’ve either been tossing & turning to fall asleep or wake up roughly around 2-3am.  Last week I woke up at 2am & at 3am I finally got out of bed and ate a Cliff bar. Because I was starving.  As I was telling said tale to my coach during our run she commented the poor sleep could probably be a result of not getting enough calories.

Okay. So. Not getting enough calories seems like an INSANE concept to me right now because I feel like all I do is eat. All the time.

I’m trying REALLY hard to eat enough calories…the right kind of calories….the right kind of recover food. It’s almost as exhausting as training.  If anyone reading this has any advice, I’m all ears (awwwwwww…like Mickey)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Drop week, Re: Sick as a d-o-double-g

This past week, after my epic 16 mile run, I came down with the dreaded “first cold of the season.” I started feeling eh last Saturday afternoon but chocked it up to allergies. By Wednesday, my body was telling me something that starts with an F and ends with a You.  So I took it easy all week.

Even though I knew Saturday was a recovery week, I made the executive life decision to not meet up with my TEAM for the run and instead give my body a B-R-E-A-K.  Boy, did it ever make a difference.  Saturday afternoon I got in about 8 pretty slow miles, but was glad to just get out in the beautiful Tennessee fall weather and just run.  I'm feeling a zillion times better and ready for a big week ahead.

Listen to your body – it knows what it’s talking about.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sweet 16

Saturday morning was a day I wasn’t really dreading.  Which is weird considering the fact I had to wake up and run 16 miles.  Last week I was all over the place recovering from being on PCT for 9 whole days so although I got in a good 10 miler mid-week, that’s about all I got in.  But again, I wasn’t too stressed.

After a much later night out than planned on Thursday night (with a few more libations than originally planned) Friday I wanted to eat everything in sight.  I was able to convince once of my co-workers/Nashville besties to hit up the Maggianos lunch special: Lunch + Take Home dinner.  Needless to say by the end of the day Friday I was all carb’ed up!

Saturday morning I woke up to sub-60 degree weather and I was pumped! I got to GTS for the 6am call time, we had a great mission moment & without further adieu, we were off! I felt like I was floating. The miles just FLEW by as my running pal Jenny & I caught up after 2 weeks apart.  We slowed down when we needed to, fueled when we needed to, used the little girls room when we needed to and 3 hours later we coasted back into our starting point.  Feeling AH-MAY-ZING.

I ice bath’ed that afternoon, rested (but didn’t feel the need to nap, what??!?) and then went out with some friends to watch Ohio State beat Cal. (I had to go to a bar to watch because I don’t have cable…STILL…don’t get me started.)  But the day was one of the best I’ve had in Nashville in a long time & I’m going to cherish it.

In 2 weeks I turn 30 & in 7 weeks I will run a Marathon.  

Stats from Saturday

Sunday, September 8, 2013

D is for Disney, F is for Friends!

So let’s just first say one thing – my blogging is a little behind!  I need to update on my 14 mile run (longest distance thus far), running in San Francisco while on vacation, my first “speed” workout with TEAM, the redonkulous changes in my need for food ALL the time, and many more.

But that can wait because right now I have to just say:


I’m borderline experiencing even more obsession with them than I did back in February.  I knew I loved RunDisney when I ran the Princess Half Marathon last February in Disney World.  Now that I have the coveted Coast to Coast medal having run the Disneyland Half Marathon last weekend, I’m not sure how I can do anything else!  Obviously my bank account and vacation time has a differing opinion on that…BUT even more than how much I love everyone and everything about Disney, there’s still more….


Team Princess 1983’s reunion in Anaheim was everything I thought it would be and more. I’m so beyond blessed and lucky to have these ladies in my life.  It was four days of glorious California sunshine, lots of awesome conversations, TONS of laughing, RIDICULOUSLY delicious food & treats, (pretty much anything in the shape of Mickey Mouse was consumed) Stalking Princesses, riding some of the best rides ever (words can’t describe the Disneyland versions of Space Mountain & Pirates of the Caribbean) and running all together through the streets of Anaheim, Disneyland Park & Disney California Adventure for 13.1 miles!  It’s hard to believe a little over a year ago we all signed up, sorta on a whim, to run the PHM and a year later we’ve added another race & trip along with a huge accomplishment with the C2C challenge. I’m so grateful, thankful & happy!

Great time at the Expo!

The Start line!

Coast-2-Coast Finisher!


Seriously can't stop laughing at us on the Tower of Terror

With Princess Tiana