Sooo, I
kinda can’t stop eating. Exibit A via Instagram last night – My dinner:
Straight out the carton. |
during my morning 10-miler with 2 of my training pals (one being one of my
coaches) I was telling the tale of another problem I’m having, which is poor
sleeping habits. Not sleeping well seems
weird to me because I’m so exhausted, but I’ve either been tossing &
turning to fall asleep or wake up roughly around 2-3am. Last week I woke up at 2am & at 3am I finally got
out of bed and ate a Cliff bar. Because I was starving. As I was telling said tale to my coach during
our run she commented the poor sleep could probably be a result of not getting
enough calories.
Okay. So.
Not getting enough calories seems like an INSANE concept to me right now
because I feel like all I do is eat.
All the time.
I’m trying
REALLY hard to eat enough calories…the right kind of calories….the right kind
of recover food. It’s almost as exhausting as training. If anyone reading this has any advice, I’m
all ears (awwwwwww…like Mickey)