Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm coming for ya, 18

Hey. So. I was pretty scared/freaked out/unsure/nervous/not really wanting to talk about running 18 miles last week. I knew it was coming on Saturday, I just…wasn’t….sure. 18 miles for me was “that number.” The number that I knew once I got to, it was almost marathon time. [Even though, let’s be real, I have to go more than 18 even still!] So I just kinda was keeping it to myself because I really wasn’t sure how it was going to go.  Add on top of my nervousness that everyone else in my group was running 22 on Saturday so I knew I’d be turning around earlier than others.  Add on TOP of that, my running buddy wasn’t going to be there. 

Friday afternoon my fro-worker (friends/co-workers) “took one for the team” and we all trekked to Maggianos for the double lunch.  Obviously it was delicious & worth it and the carbing & company was great. I was thankful to start to calm down a little bit about it.

Friday evening, rather than my normal early night in, I went to the ballet.  Centennial Park has been doing this series called “Ballet in the Park” which brings arts to the park for free (well, a donation which I obviously gave) and my friend Allison & I packed up our best blankets and went to see Giselle. It was amazing and so soothing to my soul. Remember dancing is my first true-love. Although it was a late night, I think mentally I needed it.

Saturday morning we met all the way out in Cool Springs (about a 25 minute drive South from Nashville) at Nissan’s headquarters. Our route took us through Franklin which is basicallyRichmond/Carytown in Tennessee. It was amazing to be surrounded by the most charming & amazing scenery.  I was feeling tired miles 1-4 (and actually wondering in real life if this was actually going to happen…) then I hit a pretty great stride from miles 5-10.  At mile 11 I got a text message from a friend that said “Hope you had a great run!”  I’ll be honest, I kinda felt like shiz knowing I still had 8 miles to go…but it was the super sweet thought that counts!  Around miles 12-14 I felt like I was getting lost. I was in an area I really knew NOTHING about and at this point was completely alone. I had made a lot of mental notes on the way there so I was lucky to have landmarks to pass that helped me know I was going the right way. I started doing A LOT with my brain. I named the 50 states, tried to name every teacher I’ve had from Kindergarten through High school…then tried to name every teacher my brother had from Kindergarten through High school…and then I was at about mile 16. I knew I was looking for a street called Carouthers and after passing Centennial High School I was convinced I was lost. I didn’t remember passing Centennial so I had to stop. Stopped my Nike+ and I GPS’ed my current location on my phone. I wasn’t lost, I had about a mile and a half to go. So I knocked it out!

Saturday was definitely a lesson in the mental game & keeping my brain moving when I’m running alone so I can keep movin!  It was also a lesson in mf’ing RESTING. I felt pretty sick all afternoon and I now really know how to re-fuel after that much distance.

All in all it was a great training day, a great prep day for race day and a great day receiving so much support from so many friends & family. I have one more long run left. Just one. And as always, a few pics:
My hair post-18 miles. Total Rats nest (via Insta)

After an ice bath, I basically TEAR my clothes off as soon as POSSIBLE!

Tweeted this last week. My legs were feeling like 50 lb weights last week (via Twitter)


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to play games with their mind to keep from going crazy on runs!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to play games with their mind to keep from going crazy on runs!
