Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cross Training

Last year, I ran my first half marathon. I loved the experience and followed the training schedule to the T - except for my cross training. I was so proud of my consistent running that nothing else mattered. I didn't have any major problems or injuries during my training - just normal soreness you would expect from an increase in physical activity.

All this is true, until the mileage really started to climb past 7 and 8 miles. Every week I was running longer than I ever had before. I noticed that my knees were really hurting (I expected this as I've had knee problems since I was young) and my hips and down the side of my leg were incredibly sore the day or so after a long distance run. Once I finished the half and the pain didn't go away, I scheduled an appointment with a sports medicine doctor and found out that I had injured my IT Band on my right side. When I asked her what caused this she said it's very common with runners. "Did you do any cross training during your training?" "umm..No" - that's why it's common because runners don't cross train.

You don't use all your muscles when you run. As a result some get stronger and have to compensate for your weaker muscles and this can cause and over working of certain muscles or injuries.

It took FOREVER for my IT Bank to heal after the half last year because I had ignored it for so long. So this year, I got myself a strength trainer and have been sure to get in my cross training. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! My running is faster. I feel stronger. And my arms are looking pretty kick ass these days (If you'll allow me to toot my own horn).

I feel the need to tell you all this because my Nike+ app doesn't log my cross training. I got Tuesdays and Thursdays after work and I usually also get in a Saturday session in the morning after my long runs (this might have to be on hold now that we're doing 8+ miles on the weekends).

That's all for now! How much do you love this great fall weather for your runs!

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