This week started off looking so promising for my training. Tuesday night I hit the treadmill and had a good, solid run. I was gearing up for another good run, some cardio and then a long run tomorrow.
Then at 3am on Wednesday I was woken up by my phone alerting me that I needed to "Take Shelter" because of tornadoes. First of all, I'm ALREADY deathly afraid of Tornadoes & moving to TN hasn't helped that. Being woken up to tell me that I need to take shelter immediately is not the best way to start my Wednesday. So, I sprinted to grab my flashlight, ran into the bathroom and hunkered down waiting for the storm to pass. I was also texting every person in TN that I know. Needless to say, I never went back to sleep so on 4 hours of sleep, I didn't work out at all on Wednesday.
Hiding out in my bathroom (scared) during the 'nado |
The radar @ 3:30am. I'd say that's a pretty wicked storm! |
This morning I woke up and it was flipping 18 degrees on my phone. And it had snowed. Seriously people? I can't run in 18 degrees - not even on a treadmill because that requires me to leave my bed. They're calling for more snow tomorrow, so my plan is to take a yoga class in the morning and run/walk on Sunday to get the mileage in.
Sunny Florida can't come soon enough! :)
IT SNOWED!!! (Yes, we Tennesseeans consider this "snow") |
No need to worry about our Safety - Schools were closed today |
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