Sunday, January 27, 2013

Oh yes I did

Yesterday I did 2 pretty big things.

1. I ran 8 miles.  One might think that after having run a half marathon, running 8 miles wouldn't feel like that big of a deal. But that person would be wrong. It still feels INSANE to me that I ran 8 miles.  Given that I woke up and it was 26 degrees outside, I started my 8 miles on the treadmill @ my gym at my apartment.  I ran 2 miles on the tread to get warmed up (and for there to be light outside) and then left the gym to continue my remaining 6 miles outside.  I won't lie, it was hard, but I also knew once I got to a certain mileage that I could do it. I walked a couple of hills (shocker, I know...ALL I talk about are hills) and felt really happy when it was done!

2. The second monumental thing I did was treat myself to a new pair of running shorts.  After having run said 8 miles above, I was like, "Uhh, it's about time you treat yo'self!"  I keep a running list on my phone of a "wants" list and one of those things was super nice running shorts.  I knew I wanted to have them for Disney since I've never run a distance race in warm weather.  So...I went to Lululemon. The one thing I said I'd never actually do. But I did. And you know what? My new shorts make me feel like a million bucks.  I have no buyers remorse ;)

My new shorty-shorts. Love them!

Modeling my new shorts (Please ignore my stomach. There's only so much cropping you can do w/ an iPhone)

Obviously had to try them on with the Tutu ;)

1 comment:

  1. THE

    And great job on the 8 miles. Anything over 4 seems (and is) enormous to me. Still.
