Monday, January 14, 2013


That's what my friend, Allison, said to me as she picked me from Star Bagel this morning, soaking wet, looking like a DROWNED rat.

It's true, it has been raining all weekend.  Yesterday I missed my long run with RP because it was calling for and storming off and on all day. The biggest bummer of it all was that in the grand scheme of things it DIDN'T rain that much yesterday and it just felt like I had missed my opportunity.

Throughout the course of last night & this morning I kept getting push notifications from TWC app about flash flooding in Nashville and to stay away from low lying areas so I knew today was going to be a wet one. Based on the hourly forecast I figured if I got out by 10am, I'd hit an hour where I could get 6 miles in without too much rain.  So I went.

4 miles in (feeling GREAT by the way - yay!) the sky literally turned black. Like tornado black. I won't lie, I was scared.  I was on a path by McCabe golf course and noticed a guy running up ahead of me. I sprinted my A off to catch up with him because for some reason I felt a little safer being near someone else. And then the sky FELL.  I've used that analogy before, but until today never really meant it. It was monsoon raining, wind blowing sideways so hard my headphones were blown out of my ear.  I got to a point (keep in mind I'm running at pretty much my max pace) where I could cut out of the golf course park and ran straight into Star bagel for shelter.

I'm lucky to have great people around and my friend Allison came to pick me up.  Thankful I was alright, I got a firm scolding from her...and then another firm scolding from RP over the phone...and then another firm scolding from my mom. 

I considered going to the gym to get in my 2 un-run miles, but decided it was okay (and probably best) to just stay home the rest of the day.

Oh the things we go through to train.....
Dear Natalie, don't ignore these.

The view outside of Star Bagel

The drying out process continues

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