Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Some Wednesday Ramblings.

Here's everything that's going on in my head right now:

1. I'm stressed out.  The pressure of fitting in runs/training for my upcoming half, finishing knitting a baby blanket for one of my oldest friends BEFORE she actually delivers her baby, trying to get back into the habit of actually cooking dinner, trying to finish reading a book so I have actually READ the book in preparation for my first book club in Nashville, and working 10 hour days at work when I barely have time to go to the LGR has me going coo coo bananas.

2. Last night I verbally hazed myself to walk to the gym and run for 30 minutes.  I (of course) felt better after doing it.

3. Silk Pure Almond unsweetened milk is  It's not good. And as someone who loves the taste of milk, I kinda don't care that it's only 30 calories and twice the amount of calcium as regular milk.  

4. I think it's totally fine that I left work "on time" today to make it to yoga, came home and got dressed for yoga & then skipped yoga because an old friend called and I just frankly preferred to catch up with her. Namaste.

5. I cooked with chorizo for the first time today & plan to do it many more times in my future.  Also, the meat counter at The Fresh Market is my dream job. Those are the happiest & friendliest people on the planet.

6. The idea of this race completely freaks me out. Whose idea was that??

7. While home for Christmas I brought all of the seasons of ER back to Nashville with me (my mom loved ER) and right now all I want to do is take a personal day tomorrow to finish season 2.  I have two client meetings tomorrow so that's totally not possible but I want to hug & kiss Dr. Ross and John Carter like all day long. Hearts.

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