Sunday, June 2, 2013

MTT Begins! (Whose idea was this?

So let's back up slightly: About a year ago, Natalie and I made the bold decision to take a journey in our 30th year towards running our first marathon. During this journey, we've traveling to Florida, run races together and in states apart and have talked ALOT about this full. There have been moments of complete excitement and moments (sometimes one in the same) of complete terror.  

In March, as I walked through the 10K expo here in Richmond with my friend Lori, I made the leap and just did it - I signed up and paid on the spot for the full marathon and most importantly the training team. Lori then went back home to Boston and sign herself up as well. 

I've been counting down to June 1st and 2nd - the first weekend of MTT.

Personally, I've also been counting down to one of my besties, Kathryn, getting engaged. She always said she'd never get married. Wasn't looking for something series. And then she met Nick - THANK GOD! They are wonderfully made for each other. This past Sunday - HE POPPED THE QUESTION and SHE SAID YES! WOOO. Could not possibly be happier. They immediately got to planning a wedding for this fall with an October wedding date. Anyone see where this is going?

Loveable Nick, forgot his parents would be in Europe for nearly all of October. So they went back to the drawing board, called the venue they fell in love with and November 16th is the new date! YES.

Wait...why does that mean something to me? Oh right, it's also the day of the Richmond Marathon. Damn.

So what to do?

1) Kathryn and Nike come first. Hands down. Done.
2) Maybe there's a way to have my cake and run the marathon?
3) The venue is in CVille - about an hour away. And the ceremony time is undecided. 

From how I see it - the ceremony would need to be no earlier than 5, if I have any hope. Of course, there's the question of how I will feel after running 26.2. I'm learning towards not running but I do still plan on training.

Today was day 1 of MTT. The sun was straight down on us. So even though it was horribly hot (maybe 80), it felt so much hotter towards the end. Today was 4 miles. And I am SO excited to be in training again especially with my running buddy Jillian. Here is my life for the next 25 weeks...

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