Monday, June 17, 2013


I'm struggling. Work has been absolutely kicking my tush. In by 7:15/7:30 and home by 9-10pm 6 days a week. I've been maintaining my 3 weigh lifting sessions each week but my weekly runs have been really hard to fit in. It's especially difficult because the motivation of running 26.2 miles in November is no longer there.

To top it off - don't laugh - I fell down the stairs (like 5-6) on Friday morning on my way to work and twisted my ankle and bruised my shoulder. I tried running on a treadmill again today and it was still tender - boo hiss.

PLUS (I'm piling on the pity party now), my fav headphones (these guys: are currently out of commission. Yurbuds has been great to work with and is sending me a new pair. I tried to wear another set of headphones and if I wasn't sure the Yurbuds were worth it before, I am now. What a difference - everything from the sound quality to the general comfort. Amazeballs.

Here's to a better week than the last!

1 comment:

  1. HIL - YOU CAN DO IT! You're the best girl ever and even if you don't think you can be superwoman, you're the super-eat woman I know so get it, girl!
